10,000 characters


What's included

  • 10,000 characters (~2,000 words / ~13 minutes voice generation)
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Personal and commercial use

100,000 characters


What's included

  • 100,000 characters (~20,000 words / ~2.3 hours voice generation)
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Personal and commercial use

300,000 characters


What's included

  • 300,000 characters (~60,000 words / ~6.9 hours voice generation)
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Personal and commercial use
  • Need more realistic voices and characters?

    Get access to more realistic voices in the full online version of beepbooply.

    The full version of beepbooply comes with access to 900+ voices across 80+ languages, along with the ability to save audio within projects. Monthly and yearly plans are also available with more characters, in addition to free and one-time prepaid payment options.

  • Characters

    Characters are required for text-to-speech features. Characters are consumed only when speech is generated. Characters purchased through add-ons do not reset or expire. Free daily characters will also be used before words purchased through the prepaid option.

    Speech generated with customizations may consume more characters, depending on the voice and the type of customization.

  • Purchasing add-ons

    Newly purchased characters may take up to a minute to appear in your account, refreshing the page can also help.